The Mighty Manotaur

Nope its rank! It's as bad as a cup of Bovril.

Yeah but to become that beacon and guiding light he has to go through a period of sulking and murder.

Yeah but he's lacking in the cancerous tumour lumps area.

Well that and shark-repellent batspray.

Yeah Voyager started poorly, then picked up a bit with the addition of the Borg and Species 8472, then they ruined them. Then they added the Hirogen, and proceeded to ruin them too.

You've obviously never seen Grant Morrison rock a tutu!

Personally i wouldn't have listened to his Father who's smart idea to save his dog was to put himself in danger instead of letting his son use his superspeed to save the dog or even his ability to keep himself grounded during the tornado.

No Shit, Internet more like.

Yeah i suppose the continual arc bits in the mostly stand alone episodes can be quite odd unless you're watching them all in order, and even then on second or third viewings it could become quite annoying.

A+= Alcoholics thumbs up?

Imagine they set that up for season 2! Fucking AoA on TV would be brilliant. Though it would need to be a spin off as Legion ceased existing after creating the world.

The truly amazing thing about this is that its being shown on FX in the UK this Thursday instead of waiting for 6 months until everyone who wanted to watch it already torrented or streamed it elsewhere and then broadcasting it to no one.

What if you were a fan of both?

Hmm i could easily do without Voyager in HD, or any format for that matter. Who'd want to watch Neelix whine about the ship in HD? The only thing that show was good for was a young Kes and Seven of Nine in her silver outfit.

DS9 is nowhere near the worst entry in Star Trek canon, if anything its up there alongside TOS and TNG.

Oh yeah defo, the first episode only had the potential for shite, the rest of the season and seasons after just ran with that.

What do you think all those female Transformers primary function was? They didn't need to cook Energon dinners or wash Prime's or Grimlock's soiled undercrackers. I think if you go look up the Grand Cybertron Taxonomy they're listed under pleasure-bots.

Hush you, you're gonna ruin my Make-A-Wish kids excursion to Columbia.

Thank Jebus, i think i could only manage the Oreo.

At least his growing fingernails would be manicured!