The Mighty Manotaur

I've been enjoying the hell out of the Sunken King DLC so far. There's some heavy hitters in there and its certainly a good challenge. I've only tried the boss fight against the 3 phantoms so far and got my ass handed to me pretty quick first attempt.

So far i'm 2/3's of the way there, the Pinot is breathing, the Gnocchi ready to serve, so whats the O?

As some form of self flagellation?

At least it wasn't Urutsukidoji which features tentacle rape in the first 5 minutes.

So a Children's Asylum? featuring Brian Huskey?

For the same reason there's been no sequel to Reservoir Dogs or True Romance. They don't need one and in the case of both RD and PF most of the cast have been killed by the end of their movies.

After finally getting to Drangleic Castle in Dark Souls 2 i decided to take a detour through some of the DLC. So far i've gotten to the first few bosses of the Sunken King DLC and only opened up the areas into the others.

He's a Bull Shark in a sea of Great Whites, but nobody puts Narwhal in a corner!!

No its ultimately him who gave Palpatine the emergency powers to continue his reign as chancellor.

Aye but that just sounds like there isnae gonna be a dance featuring sharks.

She could always host a new game show called "Nipple or Pepperoni Slice" that she'd be the perfect host and model for.

Yeah but then they'd have to pay Mel Brooks some of that money.

Ahh i'd heard of the Cabal cut but thought there had been another. I'll need to track i down as i loved the book and original film.

Yeah they've also borked up a few special editions recently and as an apology they gave out rewards points. Which are next to useless because by the time you go to use them they've scrapped it due to being in financial trouble.

Casino Royale would be the best film ever created if she was nude in it.

Sounds like the international equivalent of Game who will happily sit pre-owned on the same shelf as new at a fiver less and will encourage sales of second hand above new.

There's not much worse!

Full Frontal Assualt!!

No that her getting nude improves your film.

Is it just me or are Rapture films nothing more than Christian torture porn? All the good guys have been raptured and its only the heathens and the impure left to suffer the end days.