The Mighty Manotaur

She's expecting Mr Brando.

Can i interest you in my screenplay called "The Bus that Couldn't Slow Down"?

What is this Midian cut of Nightbreed you speak of?

Surely even he can't take another Pinhead flick, the character died in the 3rd shitty one yet they keep bringing him back over and over again.

Wonder if we'll ever get anyone taking another stab at Cabal? Or even an attempt at The Great and Secret Show.

I'm pretty sure that was the main issue during reviews, that the film was basically the first film redone with a few changes. All the same faults and issues.

Strangely the only bright spot in the 300 sequel too.

Jake can always take pride in not being anywhere near the worst thing about the prequels.

Mirror, mirror Affleck?

Yeah inn the books the spice is EVERYTHING, the centre of commerce, what allows the guild navigators to fold space, the bene gesserit their powers, even the normal humans consume it to extend lifespan by a few hundred years.

Yeah that and the holy wars and his sisters descent into abomination meant he felt trapped into passing his destiny onto his son and just renouncing Muad'Dib.

Wait, bearded Ben Affleck doesn't look like Ben Affleck at all? Without the bum chin he's a completly different person at all.


Shit sorry, don't take my water.

Just redo the words to Africa with Arrakis.

May Shai-Halud clear his path.

Nah you need the Muad'Dib wars and mistakes to understand how Paul couldn't fulfill his destiny and left it to Leto.

Only to be brought out on special occasions.

They're loverly deep fried with some humus.

Is that the bit with Paul doing his Baron Harkonnen impression in the Sci-Fi version? If it featured Gurney Halleck then the scene was usually fucked up. That was a bad casting choice.