The Mighty Manotaur

I was always envious of The Shamen who got to use the Lynch Stillsuits in the video for Move Any Mountain.

Has to go all the way, doing another Lynch adaptation and finishing it with Paul becoming Emperor is a waste of a huge crazy story. Do a trilogy with the 3rd ending with Leto II's death after his 4000 year reign.

And what did he do with them after they got bored off?

Also aren't they all raging drunks who shouldn't be allowed near the wheel of a vehicle after we traded them firewater for maize?

Like from the old Kenner toyline? Does Neeson play Matt Trakker?

Well he keeps turning down my Darkman 4: Durant-a-thon. script. Though i may be a bit late for that now.

Vegan, Native American Mafia Boss!!

Shhh, he's cumming!

Its my ball and i'm not playing anymore!!

There's always the mouth hole! Or ear hole if you're hung like a gnat.

Or if you lived in Europe Pizza Hut, though i went and saw the film in the cinema on release in the UK and it was still Taco Bell then.

I just picture Foxxy Love's feet now whenever i start to fantasise about Cree Summer.

Could anyone have been considered regular on that show?

They really need to bring him back for next season, or spin the Triad off into their own show.

Will do when its on in the UK, if its on in the UK.

Watch as male enrollment rises by 1000%

Brian Huskey should guest star in things more often.

Can i Torrent it now instead?

Language Timothy!

I think i'd given up by then. It started well but started to drag after the halfway point.