The Mighty Manotaur

Wow, i knew that was Nightmare 3 before i even clicked on the video or read the bit above it.


Wouldn't even buy you half a bottle! And you'll be lucky if that Land Rover Range Rover gets you anywhere near the First Federation!

Oh you Tyranids and your "enlightenment".

Depends on what his thoughts on BvS were.

Time to Snyderise it up!!

This is Tranya, i hope you relish it as much as i.

Lovable losers and corporate assholes?

So do these idiots also demand that any historically accurate figurine like a Viking not wear any animal furs?

"hey i created a job for my beautiful wife who i get to sleep with every night. Fuck you pay me!" is really all he needs to say.

Interdimensional Clip Show!!

What philosophy? You just take a shit on the floor.

By the sounds of things from other reports the crowd certainly didn't see it as a good show, booing Reigns and shouting out their displeasure at the event.

She's Bruce Buffer! The ref is 4th billing.

Naked you say,,,,

He sold Sarah Michelle Gellar's future career to the devil!!

I've tasted things you people wouldn't believe. Gateau on fire off the frosting of Orion. I watched Cream-buns glitter in the dark near the Battenburg Gate. All those raisins will be lost in time, like cake out in the rain. Time to bake.

I'll be using up the last 2 hours of my Watchdogs 2 trial and then jumping back onto Dark Souls 2 to beat Freja and The Rotten. If i get bored of that maybe have a wee jaunt through The Cave. And then it'll be F1 2016 for some MP shenanigans.

I've heard they're the leading cause of cancer and have been known to cause impotence and infertility in children under 5.

Why does a Star Trek calendar run using the Gregorian calendar? Surely it should change it all into stardates?