The Mighty Manotaur

I know the face from so many old TV shows growing up but i defo know the voice from all those roles, except Galtar and his Golden Lance which just sounds all kinds of wrong.

I'm still waiting for someone to pull the ears off a Gundark on screen.

Those sequences without any dialogue or Gungans in them are fantastic.

As long as you mute it any time Gregg Proops or Anakin speaks.
And forget it had young Greedo.
And that really annoying bit with Jar Jar.
And unfinished C-3PO.

Same with Rogue, hasn't he betrayed her half a dozen times? With her mum once too!


They should leak that fantastic looking "Guardians" film.

Thats just terrible, i'd never ever consider downloading American shows, i always wait the 6 months to a year before they broadcast it in full in the uk,,,,

I've never understood the huge love for the character, other than his flirting with Rogue he really never done anything bar his "involvement" with the Mutant Massacre.

Stitch together 4 different tips and make a "Frankenstein's Tip"?

Yeah its the "ze", its just too Jacques Cousteau.

I'll set my DVR!!

Werner Herzog is French? Are you sure you're not thinking of Luc Besson?

Should feature plenty of Battle Beyond the Stars material then? Its time for a reboot, John Boy Walton could play the Space Cowboy role now..

Make me a deal and make it straight!

Every time i hear that name i think of First Born starring Charles Dance.

Meh, should have looked to CITV in the late 80's and Get Fresh and robbed off Gilbert the Alien.

That looks surprisingly good.

Cold Marvin Aday sandwiches are not so good though.

Why does the top of this page look like one of those "I am not a Robot" things people use to confirm you are indeed not a robot?