The Mighty Manotaur

I betrayed everyone,,, twice!

That'll be the Gyrm Greatshield i've heard so much about then, i'm currently trying to use the Tower Greatshield which has about 75% fire reduction and a good stability rating along with Flash Sweat. Its just those bloody swings he does that are hard to avoid.

Should have just ran it, any of his children were gonna bleat about it saying it was disrespectful. The fact is his children should have no power as they are nothing more than famous by proxy. The sooner they're gone and forgotten by the press and public the better.

I always try beat every boss on my first run through. The only BB boss i haven't beat is Queen Yharnam.

This guy gets it, he got punched off Kinzie too.

Yeah but did you have sex with every member of your crew as both genders?

Tell me about it, in the last year alone i've finished Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3 and as soon as i finish them i restart them on the NG+ cycle and keep playing until something else takes my eye. I'm currently playing through 2 and have only reached the Iron Keep.

My weekend will be filled with bouts of Formula 1 2016 and trying to get past the Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2. Only tried fighting the Smelter Demon once and got my ass handed to me. I may try and avoid him for now if i don't manage to destroy him later on this evening and come back when i have better fire defense.

Cheerio as in goodbye not the cereal.

The Cheerio Chap?

In slow-mo with doves flying everywhere!

Really makes you wanna dig out your copy of Stranglehold and try make some doves fly.

Was it not Hep A? Hep C were the good guys.

Ahh but will it feature propane?

uBoy would make a great title for a Mr Bronson from Grange Hill biography.

Should have set it in Newcastle then it could have been Why-i-Boy.

So no Blu-Ray version of UHF?

Time to dig out Underworld 3 and freeze frame the bit where the mother wolf gives birth to Lucian.

How have i've still managed to never see this film or even had the opportunity to see it.

Supposedly like Yautja or Hish? Their females were supposed to be far stronger than the males.