The Mighty Manotaur

Whilst stroking Jonesy's mother?

I dunno, i've heard the amount of anal sex jokes have been lowered.

I think it was more that the 80's were great and anything else sucked in comparison.

Such a good film.

Milk was always a bad choice!

Yeah he's one of those actors that just puts his own sheen on everything he does and make it all better than it has any right to be if its a bad script..

Isn't that where he started though?

Its the highlight of the movie and a good tenent to live by.

Christopher Walken can do whatever role he likes and still come out of it with his reputation intact.

So is the bird trapped in a worm, the worm trapped in a bit of dirt which is now lodged under my fingernail?

Her Dad threatens to appear in whatever the directors next big project is?

Hot Topic employs Hollows?

Its so much better than Brand X!!

Discount Tent?

You spelt Leto wrong.

It would certainly explain the performance from an actor of his calibre.

The day Dunkin' Donuts shut up shop in the UK was a dark day for all.

We have a Five Guys and a Gourmet Burger joint in Glasgow but they're out of the way and you have to go a wee trek to find them. And i've heard the Gourmet Burger place is a bit meh.

Yeah they really did screw over both the Borg and Species 8472.

I wish we got more of your crazy burger joints over here, McDonalds is good but Burger King has went way downhill over the last few years consistently putting bits of lettuce with stems thicker than the rest of the leaf on your Whopper. And the bun is never toasted well.