The Mighty Manotaur

Hedgehogs and Beavers are natural enemies!!

Just like how Gotham could have been a good police procedural tv show?

He's General Patton's goofy little brother.

I thought Carrey was the highlight of the film, it was Tommy Lee Jones doing an poor impersonation of someone suffering from bad burns and pretending to have a split personality that ruined the film for me.

He was right to do so. I wonder if anyone questioned the decision to cast Tommy Lee Jones in a role already played by Billy Dee Williams?

Aww man i'd completely forgotten he'd passed this year.

Just do "Welcome Back, Frank" panel for panel and you've got a winner.

"He is in my behind"
"The disgusting thing came"
"Do you fuck on I"

Wow, i actually know about a quarter of a tv shows viewership in person then.

It saves a huge amount on special effects, expect his next lot of adventures to take place in the Welsh or English countryside alongside a certain time travelling Gallifreyan.

That'd work.

Starting out there with the God Emperor without explaining the Golden Path, Spice Agony, Abomination or all the guilds and houses would be a bit confusing. Then again it gets confusing explaining it all anyway.

No his was "If you open a cold can of beer and haven't poured it over yourself within 10 seconds you're doing it wrong".

In Pog form?

I took a few weeks break around the point you get to Africa so it took me about 2 months to finish. It was really the last few levels that were kinda a drag for me, same went for UC3 too if i remember correctly.

I just wanted you to know we're all counting on you, good luck!

Just wait until Bandsaw and Reciprocating Saw join up, the rebels will be unstoppable!

Wonder if Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru and baby Luke will appear one week, maybe as part of a travelling moisture farm collective in their younger years before ol' Cleat left them the homestead.

What about Kull the Conquerer? Kevin Sorbo's gotta work you know.

The weirding way being turned into a sound gun and the inconsistencies of who has blue eyes at certain points in the movie.