The Mighty Manotaur

How is it a remake? Surely its just another adaptation?

UC2's MP was brilliant but when 3 came out i was put off by the change in the gunplay and by the time they had sorted it i was playing other stuff. Also they way they ran the season pass really pissed me off.

I have to say by the end of Uncharted 4 i was just wishing for the game to be over. The beginning was great but it just became such a slog near the end.

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare? really?

No that's a Caesar Romero 60's perm!!

What on earth is the one on the left meant to be? I have no idea, and i would never have go the Ace one either.

Gotta quieten them somehow.

But divine intervention would have stopped any effects from inbreeding surely?

This is the catholic church clamping down on threats to their way of life again. You wouldn't see a Jedi getting mixed up in child endangerment,,,, .

The great thing is his dangleberries aren't as noticeable as Chewies. Han has to cut those fuckers out before he takes him anywhere whereas Krrsantan just lets everyone breath it in.

The Kieron Gillen Darth Vader and Vader Down series have been excellent and a good starting point for the Dr Aphra tales as she's introduced in them.

Yet his name is Black Krrsantan.

So who exactly is Carmen Sandiego and where in the world is she?

Depeneds on whether or not the PSN in your area has been allowed to show it. Even though you've essentially paid for the show it still hasn't been shown everywhere.

I dread to think what's awaiting at the bottom of the slide.

I just wish someone in the UK would pick it up or i'm just gonna have to download it.

Its good weed but its not that good.

An Emma Stone movie overrated? How dare you Madam, how dare you!

Wait a minute, why have i watched this trailer at the weekend and thought it had Tina Fey and Chloe Grace Moretz in it?

World Devastators? Planet Fuckers!!