The Mighty Manotaur

And in the UK its a type of meat product.

Its not a tumor!!

They're like US versions of Minnie Driver, just with less wide heads.

At the moment in the uk its nearly impossible seeing as how it seems to be on constantly after being shunted between channels.

Connard? Why would they ban French?

But has it brought you to your knees yet?

Hmm so it appears you cannot say certain words on this site as my post asking about the popularity of the word F*gg*t in the US got deleted.

What about "Cum-dumpster"?

God damn eye irritants!!

Someone hasn't been watching Westworld!!

How are you for bubblegum?

Fool's Gold is still one of the best songs ever created.

Real crimes or crimes against humanity?

Yeah that brings up some very strange feelings.

Whereas the UK McDonalds trundles out the Big Tasty every time they don't have a burger of the week to promote.

I wonder why?

Will be cleaning up in Dead Rising 4, getting all the collectables and trying to clear all the trials. Will also have a bash at the MP if a few friends are on.

I take it the Big N' Tasty is just the American version of the Big Tasty from the UK?

That was Chandler in the bathroom wearing her panties.

Was that the one where she left Chandler in the bathroom wearing her panties?