The Mighty Manotaur

We've taken to eating Indian Food over the last few crimbo's. A nice Lamb Dhansac and Chicken Korma beats shitty Turkey any day of the week.

Growing up i always heard of a film called By Dawn's Early Light from my friends at school who claimed that the nuclear explosion and the after effects of a nuclear war were much more scary than what T2 had shown us.

If you get around to The Time Tunnel and Land of the Giants then you've done the old Channel 4 Sunday morning line up and only have to suffer through Little House before lunch and Pob's Programme.

Wait a minute, why on Earth are you using a UK tabloid rag as a source for news? Are you trying to find out who Cara Devilegne is dating, what the latest Apple advert masquerading as an article looks like or what the next thing to end the world will be? Cause that's all you'll get from these tinpot outlets.

I never ever got Charlie Brown but then as a non American i always felt i was missing out on some part of it as a child.

I would have kept watching the show if she was on it, her Moriarty was an interesting twist on the character but then they just never went anywhere with it.

Did they break that princess mold yet? Will we see a fat princess outside of a PS3 game?

Pressing Start and Select at the same time makes it whisper "Akira"

KANEDAAA!! (in 90's digitized mono sound)

Actually Vader is possibly one of the best depictions of him, he doesn't backflip around or do anything unexpected. He's just a presence who can get handy with a lightsaber when needed. And there's plenty of political intrigue too.

Surely Vader is a 2015 title if its had over 25 issues? It is damn good though and i'm looking forward to the Doctor Aphra spin off with BT-1 and Triple Zero.

Surely you mean shitty movie reviews?

Rectal Prolapse Monthly would have been a good read too.

Tastier too.

Well its about damn time!! I want my Gummi Lursa and B'Etor next too.

Uncovered feelers!!

I'd still love to hear him do Iron Man, Planet Earth and Space Oddity from his Seeking Major Tom album.

Surely you just splice in footage from Round the Bend? In fact i wouldn't be surprised if they'd already done a version.

Tiny Dancer seriously does my nut in nowadays.

But that would take,, a long, long time!