The Mighty Manotaur

Well there are silent disco's so maybe someone could take the theory and apply it to a bar.

I take a magazine for an Extremely Good Shit every night!

No but Mothra used to do topless shots and King Ghidorah starred in a few piss porn videos.

Round the Bend was also a good one, Rent-a-Ghost, Metal Mickey. Cartoon wise you had Rhubarb and Custard, Henry's Cat, Mr Ben, Willow the Wisp and then you get to the crazy stuff like Captain Pugwash and The Magic Roundabout (which was actually French).

And yet it still keeps getting offers of work, who is protecting this bear? Is it a Cosby?

I really don't understand how taking a pay cut gets you a harder rated movie? Do swears come out your paycheck? Does the extra violence and blood cost so much more that you have to subsidise it out your own profit?

If we add our bank details too will that improve our chances?

Nah its a supernatural tale about the Nain Rouge and its reign of terror. Its actually called The Rouge One.

For a minute i read that as Superlaxatives and was imagining an entirely different awards show.

It drove her to have a sex change, move out to Camp Crystal and change her name to Jason?

Thank Jebus i grew up in the UK and we were never subjected to crap like this, we had such fantastic Saturday morning viewing like Get Fresh with Gilbert the Alien and Going Live with Gordon the Gopher. Pure highbrow entertainment!

I'd be more interested in what they pretended the spoon was before the invention of the spoon.

Surely children nowadays wouldn't have a clue who Ren and Stimpy are?

Do me a favour, don't go chasing waterfalls!

I always wanted a Heathen God Ba'al Pit when i was a lad.

How can you count non human deaths in TWD when they were already dead before the show started?

Or by him asking "What's that smell?"

On VHS? I doubt you will.

Whereas the rest of us just want to send him to Afghanistan between his movies.

2. Huddle together in the nude to share body heat all the while pretending it isn't homo-erotic.