The Mighty Manotaur


You spelt tetanus wrong!

There's always Liam Neeson!

Is this the same bear that raped Leo in The Revenant?

Hey that wall has a name, its John!

Wasn't that just the method for his next role in the Down and Out sequel?

I don't know about the political relevance but i will agree it was awful.

What's with the Viewfinder resurgence? A retro alternative to today's VR shenanigans?

Are Pebbles and Bam-Bam now teenagers?

Yeah but she's your secret sister!!

You never get two bits of paper and blow through them? Or stuck a bit of paper on a comb and blew through that.

with a Scots accent!

A space Sheriff, an ancient Dragon, King Richard the Lionheart, Robin Hood, Allan Quartermain, a cuddly toy, King Arthur!

With a smashed Crack-Whore Sindy in the corner.

That's not the Fisher-Price Happy Hour set, that's the Fisher-Price ID Playset of The Rock Public House and its barman Bob staring out into your soul to see if you are "Shadwell!!", even though it was actually his daughter that weeded out the cops.

Wait a minute, i just first heard about this "Chumlee" in a random article i was flicking through this morning,,,,, freaky!

From Spiderman 2? The camera phone was not quite as widespread back then.

Surely anyone on that passing train could just whip out their phone and its no more secret identity?

Its never more obvious Connor was a Frenchman in disguise during the scene where he explains what Haggis is to Ramirez, i almost expect a stereotypical "Haw-Hee-Haw" after it.

First you get the sugar, then you get the powahh, then you get the wimmen.