The Mighty Manotaur

That's almost as bad as my deaf brother calling it Wars of Star for years.

I love that they don't even make him try, Russian sub commander, with a Scots accent, Immortal Spanish sword fighter, with a Scots accent, Greek Prince, with a Scots accent.



Westworld does Radiohead!

People undergoing Ming the Merciless' conversion therapy?

If it was shown in the UK i'm sure she'd be the main reason i'd be watching too.

I hope Don Bluth was given his props.

Well probably bar 7 if i remember correctly, i defo remember circular areas in that game.


Oh come on, you can get through the majority of FF13 by pressing forward and X. At least those other games forced you to go left or right once in a while.

And still had 100 X the playability of FF13.

TBH i think they fucked it up at the design part and then just thought "fuck it, who cares", not realising that many, many people cared.

TBH the series has been on the wane since the PS1 days for me. They peaked at 7-8-9 and then lost touch with what gamers wanted devolving into extremely linear games with 1 button press gameplay with more emphasis on graphics than actual story or gameplay.

Do you reckon TJ MIller gives a nod and wink to the camera when he mentions they should throw one?

Licensed cabinet action figures, coming soon!

"Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom!!"

Yeah it probably will still land, its mostly hilarious if you're a fan at all. Plus if you live in the EU you can get riled up at the censorship, which in my opinion they made funnier than the actual content they were censoring in the first place.

Introducing an Italian Red Skull.

I think they should move into picture books, i hear there's a huge market there ripe for the taking.