The Mighty Manotaur

But season 2 is a huge improvement. Taking out the worst aspects in the Hawk people and Vandal Savage has improved the show immensely.

Yeah but at least his supporting cast pep it up a bit. Superman's supporting cast were just as miserable as him, christ his Dad went and got himself killed in an unnecessary situation just to stop having to live in such a bleak and uninspiring world.

Not only was it good TV it showed the higher ups at the DCCU that superheroes don't need to be dark broody murdering psychopaths who never smile or look optimistic about anything.

Why does nobody ever use a Clooney or Kilmer Batman?

Bet you wouldn't even hit 2 hours!

Nah can't be, Vir isn't skulking around in the background.

Putting all the men in drag doesn't make it "all female" by the way!

You should have took that good advice then!

I'd say the majority of Radiohead's OK Computer album. If i had to whittle it down to one either "Exit Music (for a film)" or "Climbing up the Walls" just so i could try and work out the mumbly lyrics again..

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Unbelievable!

Just be thankfull it wasn't Top Loader's Achilles Hell he was whistling, there would be murder!

Its a classic!

"Pfft, you're on your second season and she's only killed like 2 people and felt bad about it? Do you even know your source material?"

Yeah that would be the first ten minutes but the rest of the film would be full of the ramifications of losing their virginity, slut-shaming and a trip to the family planning clinic.

This weekends selection of gaming goodies shall be
Sleeping Dogs
Doom 2016

Every time i see the name Jackie O. i hear it in Jonas Venture Seniors voice.

Well i'm gonna boycott until she does it in 10 inch stilettos

Because his clothes don't survive in a battle and he doesn't wanna be all nude when powering down?

Next up King Shark on his decision to become a vegan.

Surely this is far too recent for an all female reboot? Something like Stripes, Spies Like Us, Caddyshack or Porky's should be first for the all female reboot.