Daria Darko

He didn't do five of his songs at all, I don't know where they are getting that from. He played Retro twice and then left the stage, it was fucking weird.

I'm so thankful that as an Australian the only experience I have of Piers Morgan is him being nailed in the back by a bowl from the 2nd fastest cricket bowler on the world. *tears of patriotic pride.

I think that even though they are immortal, the fact that they leave Middle Earth and have had a number of wars that have split their cultures means that some language evolution is consistent. I also think that the quite small amount of evolution is consistent with their immortality (compared with Romance languages

It may be small on the global scale, but there are a number of languages in places such as Papua New Guinea with only a few thousand speakers that are not considered endangered because of the relative vitality of the language. Numbers of speakers does not necessarily equate to language vitality, although it obviously

You thought that episode was bad? 10 years later my husband and I will still randomly break out with: 
"Destiny has cheated me, by forcing me to decide upon, the woman that I idolise or the hands of an automaton. Without these hands I can't complete the opera that was captivating her, but if I keep these hands and she

I can't help but imagine Jeremy Irons as Vetinari when I read the books but I think Dance played the part much better than Irons. 
I'm just so sad that we'll never see Postlewaite playing Sam Vimes.

Maybe it looks shitty because Rory McCann breaks a bit of it off every time he gets bored.

I literally cried with laughter at "We're going to call you the Professor." "NO ONE CALLS ME THAT!"

Wow, looking through these comments it really amazes me that everyone seems to have a different favourite song off this album. For me it's "Instant Crush", but it's so cool to see everyone enjoying the album differently. I think that's Daft Punk's power. 
Also reading the comments has made me go back and listen to some


This kind of ties in with Varys' fantastic line "I learned that what is in a man's letters is more important than what is in his purse."

Yeah, my Mum went to see him in Sydney when she was a teenager. I asked her about the whole controversy that they didn't mention his success in Australia in the film. She said that although he had some success and played a few shows he was never terribly popular - certainly not the generational touchstone that he was