Endoplasmic Reticulum

How was Diggle's kid born in 5 months!?!?!?!

If Greer always planned on using Vigilance to help get rid of the machine, why did he try to take it over last year?

By the way, not sure how true this is, or do not remember where I read this, but the reason why Shaw was made in the first place was so Jim Cazviel could film less scenes. That's why he's less important now

Yeah that's my gripe. The idea is cool but I can't stand the actress. One of the worst acting I have seen in all of TV. That's why i want her dead…or recast. Hell they could recast her looking completely different and I won't care.

I can't stand Huntress. I was actually upset that Laurel stopped sarah from killing her

I'm sick of karate kid parodies

What I don't get is why is Lucy seeing someone else when the reason why she broke up with Raj was all the pressure.

Lance figured it out in the first 5 episodes. Oliver just had diggle pose as him so now Lance thinks Oliver isn't him.

Hey you know how Root broke out of the mental institution and Finch was too late to stop it? Let's not mention that

HR transported him to the woods, but Carter came and shot them.

They all do

Jeezus AV club, they're Aryans not nazis.

Where's the grade?

Uhhh…in Family Guy animals can talk, hence Brian. We've had a talking horse, a talking cow, THERE ARE TALKING BEARS IN THE CLEVELAND SHOW.