The Spirit of the Staircase

Probably when we elected Alfred E. Newman president in 2000.

I just hope the answer to that is more satisfying than "Who is Miguel Gonzalez?"

I just hope the answer to that is more satisfying than "Who is Miguel Gonzalez?"

Slightly off topic, but I need to get it off my chest anyway- I know people like to bring up the broad similarities with Hamlet, with his uncle killing his father and usurping the throne, but it wasn't until I was watching the BBC's 2009 production (the one with Patrick Stewart and David Tennant) that I recalled

Slightly off topic, but I need to get it off my chest anyway- I know people like to bring up the broad similarities with Hamlet, with his uncle killing his father and usurping the throne, but it wasn't until I was watching the BBC's 2009 production (the one with Patrick Stewart and David Tennant) that I recalled

I was not aware that Nathan was writing something called Weird Al: The Book and momentarily read that as @avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus naming the next movie Nathan would review. Because I'm pretty sure Weird Al: The Book is a brilliant name for a movie.

And yet he made brontosaurus with a neck long enough to suck his own dick. EXPLAIN THAT, CREATIONISTS!

Now I'm just laughing to myself like an idiot, thinking about using that as an alias. Imagine giving that to the police seargeant down at the station- with a long pause between the first and last name. "And this is my accomplice, Pete. Pete Zahut."

This is the first time I've watched a full episode, beyond the few minutes caught by DVR'ing Modern Family, and I thought it was pretty good. I have to ask if the Garrett's popcorn has shown up before- I like to request that anyone who comes to visit from Chicago bring me a bucket, so I was excited to see it included

Didn't George Carlin have a whole bit about "Guys named Todd"? Not saying Meredith is wrong about Tad being an obnoxious sounding name for obnoxious people, just saying that observation doesn't need to come from a particular gender.

Before the reveal, I imagined her father would turn out to be a character who was equal parts the Greek Zach Galifianakis and Ted Danson, whose singing voice was showcased this episode. Jonathan sleeping with the female version of a combination of his two best friends, sure, but his half-sister? Blergh.

[Spotify executive walks in, in a tailored pinstripe suite and a fedora, looks around.]

What babe?

When Regina called out to whoever was in the shower not to leave their socks, I pictured them sticking out from under the foot of the bed, like the Wicked Witch's feet after she's crushed by Dorothy's house. And that they were implying the Wicked Witch and the Evil Queen were lovers. Too bad it was just another

Before it began, people were comparing The Killing to Twin Peaks- if they had gone that route, with Jennifer Morrison in a Dale Cooper type role investigating the murder but also just interacting with the slightly off-kilter townspeople (who it becomes gradually apparent are actually fairytale characters under a

What's going on is all her hot friends found out she caught an STD and she's calling up people she used to know to figure out how much lower she has to adjust her standards.

"This film's getting worse all the time."

No, sir, Mr. Fabulous no longer works here, sir.

Heaven forbid someone reiterate a point made above them beacuse they took a few minutes between refreshing the page and hitting "post" to organize their thoughts instead of being, you know, fast and sloppy.

100 Posts! Congratulations, Mr. Willis.