Decoy Octopus

The Who rule. Fuck you.

What the hell?
This is clearly about the Who but what are Belle and Sebastian doin' on the cover? Did Townshend finally lose it?

Sorry for the long double-post.

You gotta be fucking me.

Definitely has to be…
The Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin. My sister just gave it to me out of the blue when I was in middle school and hadn't up to that point listened to music all that closely. I had absolutely no idea who these guys were (I thought they were some no-name lame-o's since they were signed to Warner

Definitely has to be…
The Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin. My sister just gave it to me out of the blue when I was in middle school and hadn't up to that point listened to music all that closely. I had absolutely no idea who these guys were (I thought they were some no-name lame-o's since they were signed to Warner

Oh shit, it looks like I'm stalking you, doesn't it?

She looks perpetually hungover.

Yeah, I'm sorry. If you are listening to NEU! and not experiencing any positive emotions you are pretty much soulless and thus beyond any of our collective help.

But "Das Modell" is a great pop song? Die Mensch Maschine is pretty much recognized as Kraftwerk's crowning achievement (either that or Trans Europa Express) and it was made in the 70's too.

I think that's just hard rock.

Rother's Katzenmusik is a beautiful album that everyone should get right fuckin' now.

But really I guess your right. Autobahn does really sit nicely between Tangerine Dream and NEU! and they all came from the same place. Krautrock, at least to me, has always been a weird genre. It's more of a mix between future ones (NEU! kinda punk, Faust kinda industrial, Kraftwerk kinda electronic) that it's hard

I am the master of disguise!

I am actually trying to change my avatar's to somebody else's but there's a serious lag-time on it.

But it's not really Krautrock. Autobahn and after are more electronic/proto-techno stuff. I guess you could argue Autobahn's second half is more Krautrocky but they're not really in the same genre anymore.

It's a bit of a pain

A few more bands
Check out Tangerine Dream before they went all New Age-y. Atem is a good record but it skirts from truly epic-shit to bizarre, "Aumgn"-esque ambiance.

I have it on a PDF (cough, cough) but that's only because it's out of print and people want too much for it. It's good, but while Cope's writing style is very enthused, it's ass to read sometimes as he repeats himself. And his top 50 include a lot of repeats by the same bands.

Faust IV is my favorite God-damn album of all fucking time but it's opener, "Krautrock," is some heavy, daunting shit. A first-time listener is probably gonna be put off by that and won't even make it to the brilliance of "The Sad Skinhead."