
Yakety Sax

Yes, but just think of the originality of having the soul transfer take place through urine streams!

Wolverine is John Byrne's Mary Sue.

So… we can't have an valid opinion on whether media is too dependent on self-referencing because we haven't seen the original cave drawings of Ognoff the Bear-Raper? You have to experience all of every form of human communication ever attempted if you're going to dare react to what's happening right now?
Is it really

Yes. Like say, if they used the flesh avatar technology we know they have access to.

GeoX: If you recall, the solution of letting him come in second was thought up on the spot. So, yeah it wasn't ideal but I don't think there was an ideal solution to that. It does let Dash show off his speed a little while still maintaining his cover and allowing for a non-super to actually win the race. I don't think

Except that the supers in The Incredibles felt compelled to help others and the big bad government was actually forcing them *not* to. If they were randian they would pursue their own goals and the government would force them to rescue people.

Cause and Effect
I think it's important to note that this episode aired almost a year before Groundhog Day was released.

Supergirl was an attempted spin-off of the Superman movies.

The gay version of this has been around for a while

Reminds me
of an episode of Naruto where the point of the ninja exam is to cheat but not get caught.

Other monsters
We've also done Ghosts/Zombies as monsters in Unquiet dead, and of course Witches in the Shakespeare Code (who even use voodoo dolls).
Sara Jane has delt with Gorgons but I don't know if that counts.

The angels didn't seem to make any effort to avoid seeing each other (non-weeping angels) probably for script reasons. If the older, faded statues had been in weeping poses it would have been a dead giveaway that they were all angels. Disappointing.

Someone you don't know
I wasn't familiar with the short story or the Twilight Zone episode. But after a quick wiki-review I have to say I much prefer the TZ ending.
The short story ending is little more than a pun/figure of speech.
The Twilight Zone ending stays true to the original premise and is a great illustration

1.5 Million dollars a year????
That won't even pay our bills!!!!

Well played, my witty friend! Clearly I have been outclassed by the very best!

They just couldn't help themselves.
Even while trying to maintain their "We make fun of everybody!" persona they just HAD to have the Obama supporters be the bigger assholes didn't they? The Obama people become violent (despite a notable lack of "kill him" yells on the real-world Obama side) and then have the McCain

I'm pretty sure
Today's 9 year olds know what porn is. What with 90% of the internet being devoted to it.