
C'mon, who doesn't like reading about researching?

I've had it sitting on my nightstand for months at this point. I've yet to read page one. "Soon," I tell myself most days.

At least if the weather gets too warm there, all the windmills will keep you cool.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus It definitely has its moments (I'm not about to turn down a naked Michelle Pfeiffer), but I found it, as a whole, much more boring than I ever expected from Landis, who is one of my favorite filmmakers.

Actually, "silly" is wrong. I think "divorced from reality" better describes where Landis' strengths lie.

You know, I thought of that as soon as I hit post. But, while they are definitely similar, I do think it's telling that Into The Night is, by a wide margin, my least favorite of the Landis films I've seen. I prefer my Landis a little bit on the sillier side.

The thing that struck me as so brilliant about this film is that it does have the sort of mechanics of a live action cartoon, as has been mentioned already, but it takes place pretty firmly in the real world, so it comes off as way more harrowing and terrifying than it would in the hands of say, John Landis or Ivan

I think she looks like Zooey Deschanel.

I saw them at Wrestlepalooza at First Ave. back in January. Everything about that night was awesome.

With the coolest accent possible. It's unfair, really.

It's one of the very few times he doesn't respond with an, "Oh, hi Cindy!"

In college, whenever I'd go to my buddies' place to drink, my method of payment was showing up with a gallon of milk.

@avclub-573185e7a57bcdcd68d7895cf83ffe66:disqus Not to mention the style of filming. Too many steady tracking shots. This is supposed to be an off-the-cuff documentary. Yes, it's objectively beautiful, but it still looked wrong.

@avclub-a74751295995aad6799bb16021522543:disqus The hell, man?!

Thank you! It doesn't make any goddamn sense to cut out the important scene that actually explains her actions for the rest of the episode. The other episode that bugs the ever-loving shit out of me is "His Story." Whoever edited that for syndication butchered the crap out of it, and as a result it is absolutely

That song's fun as shit.

A homie Glover friend is what I'm looking for.

We all still have Zoidberg.

(Music swells)
Of course! It's so simple!

"Whose hair smells like lilacs?"
"Hers… and his."
"That's very pretty, and deeply disturbing."