
Oh yeah, I definitely enjoyed it, I think I was just led to believe that it would be zanier? So, misplaced expectations are to blame. An eventual rewatch should yield much better results.

"I've Got A Dream" has quickly become one of my favorite Disney songs. If that ever shows up on karaoke, you can bet your ass I'll be rocking that.

I stayed in Friday night and watched Midnight Run for the first time. Not as rioutously funny as I was hoping it to be, but still a good time. Saturday I had to drive to Madison with my parents, on the way we listened to Queen's Greatest Hits, The Kinks' "Lola vs. Powerman and the Money-go-round," and The Violent


I love John Carpenter, but this movie did very little for me.

But have you seen her new shoes?!

Hot redheads are the hottest. True, it doesn't take much for a redhead to look awkward and gawky and unfortunate, but when it all comes together, hoo baby!

Yeah, it's supposed to be that shot of Luke, because it's something we know to be true.

@OhthePossibilities:disqus I just really want someone to use, "I want to be inside you for sexual purposes" as a pick-up line.

I understand if you don't want to go through all 8 (or 9 depending) seasons, but at least get to "My Screw Up." I mean, c'mon!

There's no need to clarify.

That's why I still love Motion City Soundtrack. They've stayed consistent in quality, but they've always skirted the mainstream and the ubiquity that ensues.

It's true, if you watch the raw footage of when the bombs go off, not twenty seconds after the second one goes, there are several people tearing through twisted grates trying to get to the wounded. They have no idea if another bomb is about to go off, and if so where, but they are frantically helping, because as

Everything I see still says 2 dead, which is still 2 too many.

Honestly, the fact that this doesn't exist is baffling. I saw on tv the other day was playing a movie beautifully titled Rosencratz and Guildenstern Are Undead, so there's clearly a market.

Um, no?

Back in '04, I saw Dillinger Four and three other bands at First Ave. and whenever one band finished their set, a big screen dropped down and Doomtree came out and played while the next band set up. Still one of the best shows I've ever been to.

If they made a Step By Step reunion movie, I would watch it. Eagerly.

Strangely, illogically yes.

Did Sonia say she's never seen an episode of The Simpsons? Because I literally cannot wrap my head around that. Is she like 12 years old?