
Goddamnit, I'm reading this at work. Fortunately I was able to stifle my laughter, because I don't think I could ever adequately explain this to my coworkers.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus It's so bad, right?

Nobody was making fun of Andy Griffith. I can't stress that enough.

I'm with you. I was genuinely excited for this when it was just going to be two movies, then they announced the third one and every ounce of hope I had just deflated.

Hands down the best scene, and also, kind of the most important scene from the book, and it's already done with two more movies to go. Yippee.

Ed Hardy?

"Aw man, he's doing it agai- Nope, it works."

I've never seen this movie, nor do I plan to. Here is my review.

He's not an easy listen.

True facts. Can I also throw my hat in for "Tommy Gets His Tonsils Out?" Not my favorite, but too much fun.

"I Can't Hardly Wait," such a perfect pop song.

And, forgive me if I'm way off base, but the context of the song in the first place was that, "This is horrible, everything about what I'm doing is horrible, please don't think anyone involved doesn't think this is horrible." Sure, you could have just not gone there in the first place, but I still feel like they at

I bet it'd be great to watch this show with some beers, but who will get them?

I'll play.

The "What I Like About You" music cue is perfect.

I watched it for the first time within the last couple years and found it pretty great. So there's that.

Only when it's not over-flowing from the food it's found in.

@avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus Nah, just the whole, "I wish I could get my head out of the sand, 'cause I think we'd make a good team" illuminates way more of my personality than I wish it did.

It's a bit on the obvious side, but "El Scorcho" for me. It just speaks to me in ways I'm not totally comfortable with.

@avclub-226badd3f3410155b258766cca6002ea:disqus She wouldn't have gotten the joke, having never watched Arrested Development, so it wouldn't exactly have the desired effect.