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Wolverines… I guess… whatever.

Wolverines… I guess… whatever.

I meant to watch this show when it started, but then I didn't. My weird, must-watch-everything-from-the-beginning brain then prevented me from watching it after that. Then I said screw it and watched it last week. I now count myself as a regular viewer.

I meant to watch this show when it started, but then I didn't. My weird, must-watch-everything-from-the-beginning brain then prevented me from watching it after that. Then I said screw it and watched it last week. I now count myself as a regular viewer.

So, shawarma instead of pizza?

So, shawarma instead of pizza?

Dammit! I work for an ABC afiliate and we don't have any spare posters to replace the 666 Park Avenue one, right now. I never even bothered to hang the Last Resort one we got. I have an important job, as you can tell.

Dammit! I work for an ABC afiliate and we don't have any spare posters to replace the 666 Park Avenue one, right now. I never even bothered to hang the Last Resort one we got. I have an important job, as you can tell.

I was going to say something about how this show wasn't awful, just mediocre (if a bit unfortunately old-fashioned and misguided at times), but then I remembered I've never been able to sit through a whole episode.

I was going to say something about how this show wasn't awful, just mediocre (if a bit unfortunately old-fashioned and misguided at times), but then I remembered I've never been able to sit through a whole episode.



Better use protection so as not to spread the CancerAids.

Better use protection so as not to spread the CancerAids.

I get it, because he did that ONE show with Matthew Perry in it that people didn't like.

I get it, because he did that ONE show with Matthew Perry in it that people didn't like.