
This isn't Vietnam, this is bowling, there are rules.

Was this video supposed to make me never want to go the Pitchfork Music Festival?

Was this video supposed to make me never want to go the Pitchfork Music Festival?

Bill Nye never bored anyone!

Bill Nye never bored anyone!

@avclub-39f7dd002b8c98fa4bfc38631ca18303:disqus If I do, you'll be the first to know.

@avclub-39f7dd002b8c98fa4bfc38631ca18303:disqus If I do, you'll be the first to know.

I've always found that amusing. I don't know Shai Hulud's music, but I've heard it's fairly brutal, which doesn't mesh with New Found Glory at all (even though I still kind of like them).  I think it's funny that all the Fall Out Boy guys come from hardcore bands, too.  And come to think of it, the first show I saw at

I've always found that amusing. I don't know Shai Hulud's music, but I've heard it's fairly brutal, which doesn't mesh with New Found Glory at all (even though I still kind of like them).  I think it's funny that all the Fall Out Boy guys come from hardcore bands, too.  And come to think of it, the first show I saw at

Here's the thing about that commercial, I don't think it's that bad for the first half: vaguely obnoxious (as beer commercials tend to be) and it shows guys being guys without being overtly sexist.

Here's the thing about that commercial, I don't think it's that bad for the first half: vaguely obnoxious (as beer commercials tend to be) and it shows guys being guys without being overtly sexist.

As a native, that's a relief.

As a native, that's a relief.

That's probably for the best.

That's probably for the best.

Neither of those songs needs to be longer than three minutes, but I actually did dig the No Doubt one.

Neither of those songs needs to be longer than three minutes, but I actually did dig the No Doubt one.

He can read minds, too?

He can read minds, too?

I stuck around until the first commercial break, then watched a Boy Meets World DVD until I went to bed.