
@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Well yeah, but as far as Gondry films go, I enjoyed The Green Hornet more than Be Kind, Rewind.

I hear Rex Thingley is available.

I hear Rex Thingley is available.

Do people not like Blade 2?

Do people not like Blade 2?

Am I the weird one, because I enjoyed the Green Hornet? Granted, I saw it way after the fact and hearing how mediocre it was led to me entering into it with supremely low expectations, but I found it to be a fun and easy-going riff on the genre.

Am I the weird one, because I enjoyed the Green Hornet? Granted, I saw it way after the fact and hearing how mediocre it was led to me entering into it with supremely low expectations, but I found it to be a fun and easy-going riff on the genre.

Yes, I have a question for the science people. If you're so smart, how come you can't spell, "climbing?"

Yes, I have a question for the science people. If you're so smart, how come you can't spell, "climbing?"



Well that's impossible. Unless you're reptilian, that is.

Well that's impossible. Unless you're reptilian, that is.



I've read this, and my only thought is, "There's a new Ice Age flick?"

I've read this, and my only thought is, "There's a new Ice Age flick?"

I'm not that familiar with them, but I saw them on Conan and the lead singer seemed like the vaguely douchey singer-songwriter type that the love interest in a bad 90s romantic comedy would be dating at the beginning before she recognizes the inner beauty of the protagonist. Just my two cents.

I'm not that familiar with them, but I saw them on Conan and the lead singer seemed like the vaguely douchey singer-songwriter type that the love interest in a bad 90s romantic comedy would be dating at the beginning before she recognizes the inner beauty of the protagonist. Just my two cents.

Tom decided he needed a shave.