
It took four of these for that to happen. Somebody clearly failed at some point along the way.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!


Malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich, malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich. Malkovich malkovich malkovich?! Malkovich malkovich!

Dude, get out of my head.

I loved Shawn and Gus' chemistry in this one. I know they always have great chemistry, but it seems like too often they show them at odds with each other, usually because Shawn is doing something silly which causes Gus to get exasperated, so it's always nice to get an episode like this one where we are reminded why

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus That's a fair point. I admit I'm not an expert on local politics, but it seems like something the show could work around (given that, you know, it's fiction).

I don't think it stretches credibility at all. A city councilman is a part-time position. You go to the meetings (which tend to be in the evening) and occasionally meet with your consituents. They pretty much all have other jobs.

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus I asked you first!

I'd like to see her win, because how can you not want all good things for Leslie Knope, however, I could easily see the show mining some great comedy out of her losing. Plus, that would enable, like, so many Ron Swanson pep talks.

Why are you even here?!

You mean Dewey Crowe?

This marks the second time Love Broker has been mentioned in this feature without a Night Shift reference. For shame!

NCIS is like Mariah Carey: ridiculously successful, but I'll be damaged if I know anybody who actually enjoys it.

We… are gonna die.

For the last 24 years people have been trying to kill me, people that know how, now do you think that's because my father was a Greek soda-pop maker, or is it because I'm an American spy? Go fuck yourself, you fucking child!

Looked like sort of a big turtle in a trenchcoat. You're goin' to LaGuardia, right?

Whew. I'll add a spoiler alert.

I karaoked "I'm A Believer" in honor of Davy Jones. I don't think anybody got it.

With your handle, how can we be sure it's really your birthday?