
Side effects include threaded butthole.

It's worked out pretty well on USA.

Once again, O'Neal makes me have to restrain myself from laughing out loud. Doesn't he know that I'm reading this in place of actually working?!?!?!

I want a thing that won't do the thing that is the thing I want the thing for!!!!

I thought Aykroyd was one of the 2012 nutjobs, why is he even bothering?

They have those?

11.28 million people watched Rob and now I just see red.

I could only see three words in that headline.

I stopped watching it five minutes ago and I still feel like I'm going to have a seizure.


I hate to be this guy, but there actually was a Home Alone 4. http://www.imdb.com/title/t… 
I don't know if you just weren't aware of it, or pretending it didn't exist, but I wouldn't blame you for either.

Tell me about it, but Ugly Americans is hanging on, and that makes me happy.

As I kept seeing the previews for this, I gradually realized that, despite Comedy Central's typical effort to make whatever they're selling seem like the least funny thing ever, this actually seemed decent. Glad to hear that notion was right.

I greatly disliked Kick-Ass, but I enjoyed Super. I think it's the film Kick-Ass should have been.

They're moving in herds. They do move in herds.

Yeah, it's like The Bounty Hunter crossed with Jersey Shore, with a dash of Ugly Truth thrown in for good measure. Sweet.

I have a 9 year old cousin named Karl (yeah, with a 'K'). Everyone in the family, including his dad, wanted to name him Daniel, but he's named Karl.

A bad Katherine Heigl movie?! Surely you jest!

Thanks for this, I hadn't gotten College stuck in my head for at least a week.

Isn't working well in the film kind of the main qualification to being a great score?