
Horrible Bosses 2: The Same Exact Thing, But Here's A Monkey, Or Something, I Don't Know, Fuck You

Now, when you say, "everybody loves Andie McDowell?"

Our world says, "Welcome, stranger." Everybody's a friend.

Can a non-animated movie qualify for the Uncanny Valley?

Worth it.

Remember ALF? He's back… in Pog-form!

Thank you. It's incredible to listen to her sing, uncomfortable to watch her sing. That said, this was awesome.

The AV Club Presents: Jenn Wasner Reenacts scenes from Shaft.

I am, although I'll probably be dropping it soon as I ain'ts gots no moneys.

Glee has good acting?

I LQTM'ed because I'm at work.

Was that the film where there was only one print and you had to go to the library that had it and watch it at the library? Because if it is, I'm kind of bummed, because that's so demented and awesome and I wanted to go there, but I guess I'll just watch it on TV.

"I was a Captain of Industry, feared by men, adored by women."
"Adored?! Let's be honest, Lou, you PAID for the women!"

"…honesty alone can’t compensate for shittiness, and Christ Jesus, is I Melt With You ever a shitty movie." - Greatest sentence to ever exist in a movie review.

Feel free.

Come see the violence inherent in the system!

This is perfect, because I hate it when things have purposes.

Stupid Lisa, I hope she's dead.

Yeah, she was good as Faith, but the mind swap episode was the only time where I was legitimately impressed.

She was pretty good in that Buffy episode where her and SMG switch personalities. Beyond that I got nothing.