Time for me to watch Predestination. (pun intended).
Time for me to watch Predestination. (pun intended).
Looper gets on the list if only for that time-warp torture scene with Paul Dano.
Well then you're just a bastard in a basket!
"The Master" or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Plot and Love Acting"
Everybody now: "TAKE THEM OFF, TAKE THEM OFF…":
You're talking about Carrie, right?
John Malkovich in Burn After Reading is a complete joy to watch: his rage is more palpable even than in Being John Malkovich.
Yeah Spielberg! He could of at LEAST make a Holocaust movie or something! Isn't he Jewish?! Jeez!
Movies that SHOULD be included but won't thread:
"Amy Adams is fantastic in her more limited role" seems to perfectly encapsulate much of her career:
I'm going to go ahead and put The Raid 3 on the list for next decade.
The editing is impeccable in the vine where the kid says "Lebron James" five times.
Whiplash had some of the Black Swan qualities, and I hope it's on this list too.
Top Ten Most Banal Bane Box-office Breakdowns.
It's bringing nice, rational discussions, don't let it get away! Break it's legs!
Saying homophobic things is so fucking gay.
You're not far off, but I think they're more bourbon guys on MM.
The Blart of War
Frances Ha was filmed similar to Pi, likely with a similar budget.