Gotta love "Padrino": just silly fun.
Gotta love "Padrino": just silly fun.
Top Five ideas:
I think it really is more: "Ayits been"
Rossdower: Great Canadian super-hero? Or GREATEST Canadian super-hero?
SHUT UP, Perd!!
Mickey Rourke wants to take me camping!!
I'll always prefer the demo version to the "Bleed American" one.
He sings the songs that remind him of the bad times, he sings the songs that remind him of the worse times.
Got a slave named Reek, his mind is polluted.
Congratulations, I have spit out my coffee thanks to you.
There should be a Song of Fire and Ice version of that TV show "Deadliest Warrior".
Elysium 2: Crazy Train
You forgot to put "Lee Daniels'" at the beginning, and "Based on the Novel 'Push' By Sapphire" at the end.
Finally that movie advertised in one scene in the background of "I Am Legend" comes to fruition.
I'm amazed Jet didn't have to pay Noel royalties for the album sales of "Shine On".
That is so damn correct.
I saw Travis back on that 2000 Oasis tour as the opening act and they blew the Gallagher boys away.
Round Are Way is amazing. I'm also shocked that non-album "A-side" "Whatever" never became a hit in the U.S.
"And at once I knew, they were not magnificent". - Justin Vernon upon hearing "Ghost Stories".
Maybe they'll run into Oasis.