
I'm loving "The Ten Minute Podcast". Not every episode is comedy gold, but it often turns into hilarity, like recent episode "Undersea Kingdom" where Will Sasso confesses that he is actually from Atlantis.

I definitely enjoy Hardcore History, and Carlin has a great presentation and speaking voice. My only qualm would be his constant use of his verbal crutch:

This I gotta hear!

10. Todd Rundgren - State (Todd makes a dubstep record!)

Foxygen must seriously have taken a time machine back to wherever the Kinks or Stones were recording in like '66 to make something as unabashedly classic sounding as "In the Darkness".

Hell yes to FIDLAR. Dudes don't give a fuuuuuuuuck

Foals put on a damn good show too. I saw them at 9:30 club and they came out swinging with "Inhaler" and didn't let up once.

A.V. Club formula:

Gotta love the one with Panda Bear. So damn catchy!

Chemistry was also a great album, and Semisonic was a band I loved back in the day.

Somebody get Jeselnik on the line!

White parents be like: "Time to get up, son!"

Probably also partly explains his rift with Marc Maron.

It's not so much that we like REM, but it's a necessity for a restful night's sleep, so we really just need it.

If you think Love Shack doesn't make sense, try taking some Love Shaq: "The ladies will want to 'hack your Shaq' all night!"

New feature: "Hate Hatesong".

He clearly wears Airwalks and not Vans.

…which puts this sentence high in the running for pretentiousness world-wide:

"I heard my name, so I'm here to tell you what's up!"

Why does it always rain on DC? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?