C'mon on Sax Man!….What the fuck Sax Man?!
C'mon on Sax Man!….What the fuck Sax Man?!
The first three songs on Chase are good: "Big Casino", "Always Be" and "Let It Happen", as well as the title track. The rest is middling to bad.
Futures has "23" which is probably the most JEW song in their whole catalog. That can be good or bad depending on your opinion of the group. Also "Polaris", "Kill", "Pain", "Work", and the title track are great ones.
Last time I saw them they opened with "For Me, This is Heaven". I just about plotzed in my seat.
Agreed that they do have a sort of "perma-20's" sound, which can be summed up in the awesome "23". I think that song tends to sum up their post Bleed American sound more than any other. There are still many solid tracks to be had from "Chase" and "Invented", but they've strayed away from any creativity like on stuff…
*imagines the white walkers all smashed up against the wall, slowly pawing at it, Walking Dead-style*
Perhaps the fact that the crow was sent by the blind maester at Castle Black, (who I believe mentioned to Sam in Season 1 that he was a Westeros big-wig at some point), holds more sway over the collective lordships than previous Night's Watch warnings.
Varys does probably like her, but he LOVES "The Realm". Since he recognizes Tyrion's value to said realm, he will do whatever he can to preserve it.
Or in Breaking Bad parlance: "A man gets his head sewn to a tortoise shell and you think that of me?"
Can you please write a book about delightful childhood disappointments such as these?
Good thing you're not a Game of Thrones fan. "The writing staff" is but one man…
This boner? Yes, yes I did order it.
I watched with two book friends. One asked the other quietly after the bedding sequence: "…that doesn't happen in THIS episode, does it?"
As long as Don has a bar to belly up to, he'll always fit in.
God but does Harry LOVE being in L.A. his refusal to get rid of the Mustang convertible just shows how strongly he wants to be considered among these golden coast elites whereas Don and Roger are firmly planted in the "New York is the center of the universe" way of thinking.
I think Pete just wanted to have the pot "experience" so strongly, that his mind manifested that 60's stoner pastiche all around him upon first puff, even before the drug had actually taken effect.
I'm also shocked the review didn't start with: "There's a moment, about half way through the episode, where…"
I can't shake the feeling that Bob Benson is Mad Men's Roy.