

Sorry to hear about your Dad (and Mom). I hope they've got him on the latest MS symptom suppressors I've read about.

…dum…dum-dum, dum dum dum dum…

But she wets the bed! Relatable!

I'll see you (never) at the Post Office!

*sigh* Mickey Rooney…

Alpha Dog was also pretty damn good, underrated, and in a similar vein as "Kids" and "Bully".

Sounds like Tom Wolfe's "college research" for "I Am Charlotte Simmons"

The only good thing about having Rock on the show is that maybe Rock's appearance will lend the show enough credibility for Dave Chappelle to finally make an appearance. Although we all know once he does, The Champs' raison d'etre will be complete.

Speaking of Billy Joel humor, I once went on a road trip with some friends, and we listened to nothing but Billy Joel Greatest Hits albums and we all sang alternate lyrics to his songs, making them all about how was an insane billionaire obsessed with his formidable (and continuously growing) yacht armada.

She came across as really hot on that WTF episode. I'm sure especially back in college she was quite the sight.

He's a prototypical comic hater as well. He's flabbergasted why people don't find everything he does brilliant. Ever hear him talk about his role in that bomb "Hereafter"? He's talking like he played Jimmy the Gent in Goodfellas.

Not to mention I just checked the podcast length…two and a half hours? TL;DL.

Explain yourself? His Vine account, possibly?

Summary of everyone's dream interviews for WTF:

And what's up with the Don't Stop or We'll Die songs? Their older stuff from the EP they released was some great songwriting with hilarious lyrical premises. The songs they played this time were just some nonsense phrase repeated over and over with nothing much else going on. Definitely B-side material.

Sounds Jen Kirkman-esque.

I loved the book and was enraged at the level of shitiness that the movie ended up being.

"Winning Days" is a good song…

If you want to see Ralph Fiennes chew the scenery in the way that only a Shakespeare movie adaption can allow for, then this is your movie. Also, Brian Cox!