Aren't these all words dumb people use to sound smart?
Aren't these all words dumb people use to sound smart?
Up to your old tricks, I see.
I felt the same way about Wedding Crashers. Jesus that flick could have ended Dumb and Dumber style with the two walking away from the wedding party. No need for that BS last half hour.
New Strokes and new Phoenix…Where are you, Franz Ferdinand and Hot Hot Heat?!
This comment can be applied to most comedy podcasts as of late.
"Cafeteria Food" sounds like a lazy Queens of the Stone Age track.
This is some serious badassness.
What a Foals belieeeevveeeeess
Bah buh-bah baaaaaah
Wow, great call.
I'm led to believe Idris Elba turned down this role and so we're stuck here with the homeless man's version in the lead. However, say what you will, he's a damn effective Starfleet commander.
My favorite non-major Disney release, non-Don Bluth related animated movie growing up.
My vote would have gone to George Carlin, but since he is passed, Irons is a close second!
Don't worry, Lucifer, music awards are circuital. I know you wanna freak out that Kendrick didn't get his victory dance, but the day is coming when Kendrick will be nominated. Personally, I'm movin' away from rap. I got all those slow, slow tunes outta my system, and I'm holding onto black metal getting an award.
I always saw Tim Tebow looking like the Mumf, but Marino is a good pull too.
You just copied that from my OkCupid profile, DIDN'T YOU?!?
I love the Mumford & Son song that goes like:
What about…
Homer Simpson, smiling politely.
Mattingly! What'd I tell you about those sideburns?!