
I'm teaching a Tsoing class. Care to come?

Even worse is that faux-British-accent by way of Madonna "When you hear this in the club…". Just ugh.

That is an insufferable intro to that song in the video. Are we supposed to feel even a modicum of sympathy for a fickle pop star who has her pick of all of Hollywood's beefcake stable?


I'm shocked nobody has put down Guided By Voices and Robert Pollard. The amount of GBV/Pollard to go through is more than exhausting.

*Listening now* Thanks!

Hating something because of the fan base should only matter if the content suddenly changes to pander to said fan base.

I actually liked "Have You Fed the Fish?" The follow-up to "Bewilderbeast". That and "Rings Around The World" from Super Furry Animals were my off-kilter Brit-rock albums of choice.

I remember seeing Travis open for Oasis in 2001. Travis easily stole the show. Great band.

aka "Viva La Vida"

Good point: however, the typical conspiracy claim is that OBL was ALREADY dead, long dead, actually, of some form of kidney disease. So then the whole raid actually happened: SEALS went in, people were killed, perhaps even AQ operatives, but OBL was not there. No pictures of his body were ever released for fear of

Good point: however, the typical conspiracy claim is that OBL was ALREADY dead, long dead, actually, of some form of kidney disease. So then the whole raid actually happened: SEALS went in, people were killed, perhaps even AQ operatives, but OBL was not there. No pictures of his body were ever released for fear of


How about a movie with Butler and Usher…"One let's you in, one escorts you to your seat, and both will: KICK…YOUR…ASS."

These are some boffo treatments. I wouldn't be giving up the goods up front! I'll go ahead and book a lunch with Harvey, Bruckheimer, hell even Cameron'll be interested in this bad-boy.

Keep that in mind for the inevitable Penny Arcade live-action movie.

The best part of Cracked, that actually makes me CRACK up is the Man Comics. Like Dick Whiskey, Drunk Cop or the superhero who punches everything to solve problems. That shit has me in stitches regularly.


We wuill crous
da myteh ohshun inta Charleston Bayuh.