If it's released in Real 3D, it will be a movie IN darkness; lens flares be damned.
If it's released in Real 3D, it will be a movie IN darkness; lens flares be damned.
If it's released in Real 3D, it will be a movie IN darkness; lens flares be damned.
*Votes for Shia Labeouf to star as Wesley Crusher.
*Votes for Shia Labeouf to star as Wesley Crusher.
Oh Quinto's gonna bite it…a pillow, that is.
Oh Quinto's gonna bite it…a pillow, that is.
Or the Juliana Theory's "Into the Dark"
Or the Juliana Theory's "Into the Dark"
I was a bit Cumberbummed that he was cast in this.
I was a bit Cumberbummed that he was cast in this.
He said he was from Dubai.
He said he was from Dubai.
While they're at it, they should go ahead and hire some Hindu scientists and get to work on developing re-spawn technology.
While they're at it, they should go ahead and hire some Hindu scientists and get to work on developing re-spawn technology.
See also: Blizzard Entertainment
See also: Blizzard Entertainment
"You've got that special kind of magic, that only comes from time spent at the North Pole, makes me want to wrap you in Christmas wrapping paper."
"You've got that special kind of magic, that only comes from time spent at the North Pole, makes me want to wrap you in Christmas wrapping paper."
Stupid Wayans.
Stupid Wayans.