
Is there a good picture online showing Eli Manning's cross-eyedness? I can't find one.

Once you get beyond sorry do you roll over to happy again?

What?? Get out of here.

I thought so too.

Keep those Blood Meridian crossover comments coming, btw. They're everywhere.

How the hell do you get Nelson Rockefeller confused with Richard Pryor's dad?

@Miller: Nice intra-AVClub crossover comment.

I think it's just hammered over the reader's head that the Judge is an unstoppable, unfailing force. Picking up and throwing an iron meteorite anvil, flipping coins into the night only to have them return boomerangingly to his hand, and of course he tells us outright that he never sleeps and he will never die.

Too funny.

Sorry, I forgot to clarify: Mohinder = the annoying character and frequent narrator for the NBC show Heroes.

Thoughts and Questions
I'll just throw a bunch of questions and comments out there …

Seriously? The look *very* old. Surprisingly old. Did you see Ad-Rock gingerly walking down the stairs? And MCA barely moved during the entire song. It's tough to pull off being an old ass rapper.

I want to announce that I'm starting a new show. It's called So You Think You Can Prance?

I like how Simon said "I don't usually mean this …" before he said "the future is all yours" (whatever that means).

Can girls be jerks?

What's your mood watch say?

Moonbeam Levels?
I've never heard of it. In what way was it a hit?

Yeah … the end blew me away when I was 14 and saw it in the theatre. I swore I was going to be a rock star that day.

The Analogy
Season 6:Simpsons::Sign O' the Times:Prince

That's quite a nice laugh track on that Big Bang Theory show. Lots of hilarity going on apparently.