
Hey, I wanted to have a lump in my throat too, but I don't get the "I don't question my goodness anymore" line.

Yeah, it really was that bad. Most of the episodes this season have been that bad.

I don't get it
I don't get all the people saying this episode was good. I think it was maybe the worst ever. I fast-forwarded through a lot of Claire and Nathan's BO-ring dialogs, and Peter and Angela's too. I've never FF'ed through any part of a Heroes episode before. That shit just dragged on and on - I couldn't

and the celebrity on the maiden voyage was Gallagher

Kara *was* helping Paula get her mustache off though. Only a true friend would do something like that.

I couldn't see his eyes because I was blinded by his teeth.

Adam looked like a young Kurt Russel is the correct answer. With a dash of Leo DiCaprio would be accepted.

Choked up typing
Thpe = choked up "the"

Failed 96sies.

There must be … 57 tits up there.

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He looks like the lead singer of Whiskeytown. Geez .. it's uncanny.

I've been to Bruges twice. Cute town. It is, however, the source of one of two anti-American incidents I have experienced abroad. Some kid on a bike nearly ran over my then girlfriend and me, then yelled "stupid Americans" at us. Fucking Brugians.

I just don't get Kanye. He doesn't do anything for me. I've tried, really, but no. "Gold Digger" is a-ight.

I thought it sounded pretty good. I like the Crue version but I think she does a good job of putting it in a new light. Now I just need to hear George Huff's version of "God Bless the Children of the Beast." Now that's 93 seconds of good old fashioned rock 'n roll.

Did you notice?
His hat was all sideways.

I met Robbie a few times too. He's a douche.

I thought Dr. Evil really made the first movie worthwhile. The scenes when he and Scott Evil (c'mon, that's pretty funny right there) are in group therapy are good and quotable.

More than Verds
Don't you get it? He's singing "More than Verds" instead of "More than Words"! Because he's Indian … and .. he .. pronounces Ws as Vs. Oh man. That's good stuff.

I laughed out loud. That was the highlight of the episode for me. Definitely the first time I have laughed at Heroes for being funny.