Dorian Mode

Ha! Ha! Cookies on dowels.

I haven't seen the new episode yet, but as soon as they put him in modern clothing you can bet I will be online registering my disapproval with the entire world.

I just now edited a comment I accidentally double-posted during maintenance. Maybe Disqus just doesn't like you.

Do they rock or suck?

And now I've double-posted. Curse you, disqus!

Why is this comment currently on the top of the page when I sort by "Newest"? New Disqus you make no sense! I miss OF.

I never liveblog things, but now I'm going to do so out of spite.


brb guys, making 20,000 comments so I can be on the list.

Is that not just a list of the people with the most comments?

I just tried to sort by best and then collapsed NFET's comment. It broke nüdisqus.

I don't know, but I clicked it. I clicked it good.

I definitely miss oldest first, but I agree that the 50 comment limit is the most serious problem. So serious, in fact, that I just complained to Disqus about it with the "Send Feedback" option!

I like owls.

So self-upvoting is a thing. Not that I would ever stoop to such a low.

Me. I will.

@avclub-ec6e411553d04950c3225c1fbdc8d116:disqus died on the way back to his home planet.

I found being forced to say the US pledge unnecessary and annoying, but I've never thought it was some crazy totalitarian nonsense like a lot of people from other countries seem to think. I mean, I am a US citizen, and I do have a certain amount of loyalty to the country, even when I'm really frustrated with it.