Dorian Mode

Helvetica is pretty good. I like how it uses a single font as a basis to inform the viewer about typography and graphic design as a whole. Still, it doesn't make up for that time two friends of mine lectured at me for 45 minutes about Helvetica's superiority to Arial while we were at a party.

Instead of listening to ABBA, I'll be watching gymnastics videos and looking at maps in your memory.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Man, you're still pretty upset about all that, aren't you?
Not that I blame you, necessarily, but it's funny how much it still gets discussed by you and others.

@avclub-62237dc88a51b64f2882471cc2be1b3d:disqus That was definitely my favorite part about the Larry thing. It wouldn't say it was background joke, really, but I was glad they didn't underline it too much.

Ugh. I am liking this comment, but I'm not happy with myself about it.

Well, yeah, the first season is a bit of a different story.

And Notre Dame! That's still a good thing, right?

I think that's overstating it. It's not hitting every episode out of the park like it did in season 3, but it's still delivering solid laughs week-to-week.

To me, Parks and Rec is such an easy show to like that I can't even imagine feeling like it's hard to get into. Sad to say, but maybe it's just not a show for you.

Community can't sink! That water is a lie!


The bridge detail was my favorite, and no, it's not only because I played bridge occasionally in high school.

Sounds like Tarantino is going to love Snowpiercer.

Just wait for the extended cut.

I really, really need to rewatch The Rocketeer. I loved it as a kid, and I have high hopes that its art deco stylishness will hold up well.

I really enjoy gritty Batman, but that doesn't mean I don't also love Adam West Batman.

How'd you get life insurance, @avclub-f22409827540d107bf5beb21e746d26d:disqus? Don't they know you're in the DANGER ZONE?

Look at his little spots! Look at his tufted ears!

THat's not a machete, that's a spoon!

Kanye is basically the epitome of "wildly bugshit artist I'm terribly fond of." See also: M.I.A.