Dorian Mode

Oh, that's good to hear. I was never able to connect with Paralytic Stalks, and even False Priest was a bit blah to me, but I know Kevin Barnes can produce some really amazing music when he doesn't get lost experimenting.

Yeah, this is basically a non-issue for me. At their best, Sleigh Bells hit something very primal, and the vocals really serve more as texture than as anything else.

They were incredibly cool, and also really fun. I haven't listened to this one yet, but even if it can't reach the heights of Treats, sounds like it will still be a good listen.

Well, I hope it wasn't me, then.

I wouldn't say I'm fantasizing, because the idea of fantasizing about narwhal makes me uncomfortable.

Was it narwhal? I'll bet it was narwhal.

brb tweeting about Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Ew. No.

Well, for as long as they were flying with a hole in the side of the plane, I'm pretty sure the pressure would have equalized anyway.

Colonial Williamsburg or cool kid Williamsburg?

I feel left out.

What's this about nude discus?

I was going to refuse this as part of my efforts to go off the grid, but then I decided I like the grid too much.

Why would I ever consider such a thing?

Stupid Australia. Daylight Savings isn't until November! Or ever if you live in Hawaii.

Actually, I would argue that 2007 featured some of the best music and film output of any year in the past decade.

Um, did you see that scene in the car?

Actually, @avclub-19cbb3bbbd8c9f03cc65ead7b1c2629e:disqus's ode to Steph should definitely be the comment of the week. Unless that happened last week. I'm not good at keeping track of time.

All me, all the time.

So I just clicked over to Hulu, and the front page had a link to Grey's Anatomy featuring LUCIUS MOTHERFUCKING VORENUS. When did he become a doctor?