Dorian Mode

I keep confusing it with Killer 7 for some reason.

That dance was really something.

Among the breastiest.

Oh, I've been to Prague.

I'm posting this from "work" (i.e. graduate school).

ElDan's basement? What ever happened to our concern about Prison Wine?

@TheTacoBellbell:disqus You always know just what to say.

He'd better be. If he loses the coat and stops saying "leftenant", I'm bailing.

Don't lie; we know you were already nude.

She's a mission specialist who's up in space for the first time, and I think there was a line in there about her training being pretty short. Is that realistic? I really don't know.

I'd be down to watch Lee-Byung Hun kick lots of ass in a Marvel movie.

Yes, I realize that I'm probably too good for her, but I'm willing to make exceptions.

I'm interested in your mom.

I just got back from a screening of Gravity. It's definitely one of the best movies I've seen this year.

Get Armageddon!

I'd prefer one starring Prince and somebody who looks kind of like Prince.

All's fair in (the physical act of) love and war, Montypark.

You're 23 and everyone you know is marrying? I mean, I realize 23 isn't that young, but I'm a couple years older than you and I still think it's weird when people I know get engaged.

I actually think her scene may have been cut. However, she is apparently in this week's episode of 2 Broke Girls. Is it worth watching that show to see Irene? Probably not.