Dorian Mode

I can, though I would have no basis for saying it since I've never played Kingdom Hearts 2.

I like that Erik Charles Nielsen continues to comment regularly on non-Community-related AV Club articles, even if he's wrong about The Flaming Lips.

I've found fucking to "She Don't Use Jelly" to be pretty weird, actually.

Why not just, you know, kick out the hecklers and then continue to perform for the people who aren't actively being assholes?

I wonder if she ever hung out with Esai Morales.

I really hated Holden when I read the book in high school, but I think that was kind of the point so I'm pretty neutral on the book. In fact, The Catcher in the Rye compares pretty favorably to some of the other terrible books I had to read (I'm looking at you, A Separate Peace.

That helmet makes me look like Ralph. You know, the motorcycle mouse?

Why does any man Jeep? For the thrill, of course!

The kids could call him "Ho-Ju"!

Especially if you don't give her any warning.

Woo! Future people!

A lot of groups seem to pass over Houston in favor of Austin and Dallas, which is complete bullshit because Austin doesn't need any more concerts and Dallas is terrible.

You sucks!

It's nowhere near as strong as Treats, but it has enough good tracks that it's still worth listening. I particularly recommend "Comeback Kid" and "Demons".

If only they'd perform somewhere that I could actually go see them, the "yay" would be in all caps.

Michael Graves designed the building where I lived for most of undergrad. Also the spoon rest that's currently on my stove.

Yes! That's the song I was trying to think of. Friend Opportunity is such a fantastic album.

The drunk driving boat!

Hey, that fact wasn't fun at all!

That's for making a great show for six years!