Dorian Mode

@avclub-c560295410e18be098d1fd41d4c20ec8:disqus I could and have.

Aw, damn. Here's hoping he has a change of heart. Spirited Away is one of my all-time favorite movies.

It was a tumultuous time for our nation: the clear beverage craze gave us all a reason to live. The information superhighway showed the average person what some nerd thinks about Star Trek. And the domestication of the dog continued unabated.

@avclub-cc6259186164ddfe838f0de7b64a922b:disqus's marketing plan attracted a record number of police and fire officials, but few stayed to comment on the article.

Yeah, way to play the boss's head like a bongo, Homer!

I've only seen four of the FF movies, but Tokyo Drift was definitely the worst of the ones I've watched. FF6 was a major cinematic achievement, though, and I worry that they're no way the seventh movie can live up to my ridiculously high expectations.

Yeah, not no more it ain't.

No, it's not. You should always be watching The Wire.


I really didn't think the first series of Sherlock was particularly good. Maybe it gets better in the second, but I find its huge popularity a bit mystifying.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Look! Someone's attractive cousin!

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus Well, that's a pretty reasonable attitude, it's just that The Wire isn't something that burnt me out or seemed particularly difficult to watch compared to other pop culture I enjoy. And I should note that after my first run-through of the show, my roommate started

Really? I'm pretty sure I could watch the show on a continuous loop and not get tired of it.

Forever and always.

I'm just finally catching up on the show after starting the first season a few years back. I really had to watch through the middle of season two for it to grab me.

Same here, typically, though I think ophthalmologists can do more since they're "real" doctors.

Wait, do they not have optometrists outside the US? We also have ophthalmologists here, but they have different degree requirements.

You don't have to report back on the masturbation, though.

I'm this way with a couple of my exes. I think my life needs more drama.

You really need to quit drinking.