Dorian Mode

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Seriously, though, it was a pretty good movie. I'm not sure I'd go out of my way to own it, but it's worth watching.

You think that's a Schwinn…

You should definitely watch The Thick of It, though. It's fantastic.

So I've never watched Doctor Who before, but now it's going to star Malcolm Tucker. Can I just jump in and start from there when it premieres?

Fasllt & Furiousll Sllixll


I probably should. Trying to be a responsible adult has been a positive thing in many ways, but it's taken a large chunk out of my internet time.

Why did nobody tell me that Max Blum was in Iron Man 3?

You commenters don't know what you want! That's why you're still commenters, 'cause you're stupid. Just tell me what's wrong with the freakin' website!

@avclub-10002631234370cc43d1ef36d9fd2f5b:disqus Can't it be both?

Stupid sexy Landers.

I'm also pretty excited for Snowpiercer, but I don't like the implication that Stoker was anything less than fantastic.

Pepsi Jr. does, though.

Note: Alien Jesus died on the way back to his home Jesus.

I'd be down for a feature-length Battle of Five Armies. I'm picturing basically the second half of 13 Assassins but with elves and shit.

I don't see how there's even any question. If NMH were coming anywhere near Hawaii, I would absolutely be there.

Do you, you know, like anything?

Pretty much where I'm sitting as well. Assuming we get less Radagast and more Lake-town, I think I should be pretty happy.