Dorian Mode

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus His work with Kelvin and the Zeroes is unsurpassed.

"A Good Night for a Fistfight" has been tiding me over, but the sooner I can have a new LC! album, the better.

I've got a book I'd quite like to read.

I actually haven't watched the trailer, since I'm in the middle of a conference seminar. Marky Mark jokes are pretty easy, though. Fun, too!

He's the flight attendant who does her job. You must be the other guy.

Had Wahlberg been given his way, the movie would have been titled Queer-o Dark Thirty.

Had Wahlberg been given his way, the movie would have been titled Queer-o Dark Thirty.

I'm still waiting for his alternate history film where he prevents 9/11 from happening.

This VHS tape's not called Eric, then? That's gonna be a bit confusing.

God the close-order swanning about bit is just fantastic.

I'm not a particular fan of Scott of the Antarctic, but I've always had a soft spot for the fish license sketch. Something about Cleese's explanation that his fish is "an halibut" is highly amusing to me.

Gee, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.

My knowledge of that song was surprisingly helpful for the 100-level philosophy class I took as an undergrad.

This is the wattle, the emblem of our land. You can stick it in a bottle, you can hold it in your hand. Amen.

"Louie Louie" was forever ruined for me as an undergraduate due to the marching band's insistence on playing it all the god damn time.

You guys paid for booze in Vegas? I thought the whole point of visiting that place was getting free drinks from the cocktail waitresses while pretending to use the slot machines.

No one man should have all that power.

Agreed. I'm going to go listen to Bat Out of Hell in my hotel room this evening just to spite Drew Magary.

Disregard this comment.

I break out into song sometime. Well, I break out into tuneless mumbling, but the concept is the same.