Dorian Mode

It's sitting at 40% on Rotten Tomatoes so far, which is closer to an even split than overwhelmingly negative. Now, granted, not all of the positive reviews are gushing, but some are, so I'd say it qualifies as divisive by a normal person's definition of the word.

Too bad my DVD set is in Texas.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus You're also underestimating the ability of straight men to make terrible, terrible decisions when sex is involved. Also, for all the impressionable young folks reading out there: sex without a condom is way better.

I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed that I already knew what "vore" referred to.

Now, I'll freely admit that I did not read your linked fanfic. However, I would be remiss if I did not direct your attention to the following Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter crossover (WARNING: this fanfiction is terribly written and inappropriate for anyone to read. I was permanently banned from another forum for

Well, you're two episodes away from what I would consider the series' first "classic", so get ready!

I'm on exactly the same page as you here. The trailers + Refn + Gosling + SBT's review = I'm super excited for this one. I often find the most divisive movies to be among my favorites, too, as long as I fall on the correct side of the divide.

Everything gets booed at Cannes. It's practically a right of passage.

Saw Pacific Rim. Now I really want to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and The Wire.

I've always just gone with "the commentariat", though that's obviously not site-specific.

He's trying to blend in with his jacket as a form of urban camouflage.

Now, admittedly I don't know very much about Minecraft, but I'm still confused that Minecraft is an officially-licensed set and not, you know, a big box of 2x2 bricks in different colors.

We just say Meatloaf.

Nah, he'll just write songs about how it's unfair that everybody hates him just because he's an unrepentant woman-beating asshole.

Oh hey, that's been filming near me.

None. None more dark.

It's probably the most fun I've had watching a movie since I did a double feature of The Killer and Hard Boiled. Just saying.

I'm not seeing this until tomorrow, so I didn't really read your review, but my question is relevant to your grade explanation: have you seen Fast & Furious 6?

Too late. I've already got the Woody Allen glasses, so I'm just embracing it.

I took the short version: