Dorian Mode

There were some pretty good performances in there, but god Tobey Maguire is an awful actor.

Ring of Fire, bitches!

The new Queens of the Stone Age remains a very good album.

Not really a big surprise, but I'm still happy to hear it. As much as I enjoyed the way Season 4 played with the structure of sitcoms, though, I hope any further seasons will manage to get more characters in the same place at once.

He's been listening to Tony Robbins. He's got plans for after this, big time, and he wants to talk to all of you about it.

In the Mood for Love. Probably my favorite movie of all-time, and I hear the blu-ray version is gorgeous.

In case anyone is interested, I'm currently taking donations for the "Dorian needs to buy more Criterion Collection blu-rays" fund.

That's a shame. I've already used the comments over there to convince someone to watch FLCL, so I think it's been a resounding success.

I like Sunny, but it's never been a show I've wanted to marathon. I've watched through the third or fourth season, despite the fact that I've owned the first six on DVD for a year and a half now.

Poor fools.

Well, I assume he writes freelance for both sites, which you can do without being staff at either.

Related new (to me) discovery: you can upvote yourself.

Weirdly, though, it's ranked by total number of comments, and not upvotes received or anything. Clearly I need to start spamming The Dissolve that place so I can win commenting!

I'm all up in there, giving MDA the business.

I registered for Gameological Society (why does it have a different commenting system anyway?) as Dorian_Mode, because I'm not very original.

Anonymity? I thought that was what the masks and hoods were for.

I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with being more excited about a movie from a director with a proven track record than a Michael Bay picture.

I'd settle for "Fly Me to the Moon".

I'm not sure that I would call Code Geass "great" after the way it fell apart in its second season.